10,000 Metres Per Week


Over the last two weeks, tadalafil I have accomplished the goal for June that I set for myself at the end of May.

With the 1, viagra order 650 metre swim at lunch today (accompanied by my erstwhile friend Ean "The Eel" Jackson), check added to two long Half Duel (2,500+ metres) on Wednesday and yesterday, I reached my second consecutive week of swimming at least 10,000 metres per week (this week – 12,200 metres in total).

I will put in a long, slow 2,750 metres tomorrow morning, Sunday will be a rest day.

I am on my way to 15,000 metres per week (by the end of June), and then on to 20,000 metres per week by the end of July.

The Duel at the Pool will be held at Kits Pool on August 19, 2009.


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Ean Jackson

The “eel”, eh? I’m the mako shark, bro. It’s going to hurt when I eat your fins off. Get lotsa sleep on Sunday, cause I’m going to make you hurt when our paths cross on Monday!


I have all these little eel nips on my toes, if that’s what you mean. I assume those are from some of Ean the Eel’s attempts to latch on to a superior force so that he can be dragged through the water instead of fruitlessly flailing to try to stay within sight of my wake ?


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