Noticed on the Web Corner .. Signs of Shifts and Flows in Power and Authority


I noticed this while browsing this morning.  It’s just a brief statement of how some serious political blogs, and the process of blogging, has become an important and sometimes influential element of informing people and shaping opinions.

In North America we live in a society where most everything we read and watch and listen to has some degree of spin, and the large dominant networks are owned by giant corporate conglomerates.  The elites who govern typically don’t enjoy having to come to terms with forces that may test their accountability … interesting that a sitting Senator should be so explicit about not wanting to listen to a popular and sometimes influential new-ish form of media.

Via Digby’s Hullabaloo … who makes the nice counterpoint that instead of blogs the Republicans prefer that people get their opinions influenced by talk radio hosts (Limbaugh et al).


Huckleberry Howls

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Republicans would fight back hard if Democrats or liberal groups try to make the Supreme Court confirmation process about Sessions’ record, rather than about Obama’s nominee to replace Justice David Souter.

“If people try to go down that road, it’ll blow up in their face, because Jeff is a good guy,” Graham said. “My hope is that our Democratic colleagues — if you start listening to the bloggers — if we’re going to let the bloggers run the country, then the country’s best days are behind us.”

That’s so true. Everybody knows the country should be run by radio talk show hosts.


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