How You and I Make Sense of What We Read, Watch and Hear

Harold Jarche has offered us all an excellent and very clear framework for understanding and thinking clearly about what we use to do what we do …


Sense-making with PKM

Note: This is a revised HTML version of previous PDF’s posted on the site, troche which should make it easier for sharing.


We may learn on our own but usually not by ourselves. People learn socially. In looking at how we can make sense of the growing and changing knowledge in our respective professional fields, shop I see two parallel processes that support each other. One is internally focused, check as in “How do I learn this?” and the other is external, as in “Who can help me learn this?”.

We constantly go through a process of looking at bits of information and trying to make sense of them by adding to our existing knowledge or testing out new patterns in our sense-making efforts.

.The Web has given us more ways to connect with others in our learning but many people only see the information overload aspect of our digital society.  Effective learning is the difference between surfing the waves or being drowned by them and PKM (personal knowledge management) can be your customized surfboard.

Here is an internal process based on repeating four activities:


Read the rest here …

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