Interview – Creelman Research Thought Leaders

An old friend and colleague from our mutual past lives at at Hay Management ConsultantsDavid Creelman of …  is now a globally-respected researcher into the area of social capital as it pertains to the world of HR and organizational effectiveness.

David has interviewed most of the big name gurus of the organizational and strategy world over the last 6 or 7 years, initially as the Knowledge Management specialist for and then as the lead researcher for Creelman Research, which operates in partnership with the RBL Group (co-founders are major HR guru Dave Ulrich and colleague Norm Smallwood).

Here’s a quick overview of some of our previous Hay colleagues … I wonder how much they know about Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 ?


He recently offered me the honour of interviewing me about some of my thinking regarding the ongoing and growing impacts of working in an interconnected environment (aka Enterprise 2.0)

I found his questions to be stimulating, and his way of summarizing our telephone conversation to be very incisive. In my opinion, he was able to distill the key points down to their essence.  That’s the reward from much practice …

For those of you who are interested, the interview is at the link in the header of the introduction below.


Jon Husband: Enterprise 2.0

Jon Husband has been telling me about “Wirearchy” and “Enterprise 2.0” for many years—long before I heard it anywhere else.

The central idea of Enterprise 2.0 is that organizations are moving from a focus on top down hierarchy to a much more networked kind of structure.

This structural change is enabled by the wired world (hence “Wirearchy”) and many of the people writing about this area emphasize technologies like wikis, blogs, video conferencing and so on.

However, Jon, like me, worked as a Hay consultant and as such has a deep appreciation of mechanics of organization and job design.

I wanted to hear Jon’s take not on cool technologies, but how management and organization structure will be different in an Enterprise 2.0 world.


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