I know that arguing that this (below) is actually probably sensible would make many people in North America suggest that I be placed on a watch list (at a minimum) or be burned at the stake after my fingernails have been pulled out one by one (at a maximum ?), but removed from the hysteria that led up to invading Iraq, "Shock and Awe", Abu Ghraib, repeal of habeas corpus, killing tens or hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis and a fair number of innocent Afghanis, I think that the Pakistanis are actually suggesting something that could lead to some progress.
Via The Guardian.
Pakistan rejects ‘America’s war’ on extremists
• Parliament vows to end military action on border
• Relations with US will be strained by new strategySaeed Shah in Islamabad
The Guardian, Friday October 24 2008Members of religious party Jamaat e-Islami yesterday at a protest against US airstrikes along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan. Photograph: Fayyaz Hussain/Reuters
Serious doubts multiplied yesterday about Pakistan’s commitment to America’s military campaign against al-Qaida and the Taliban after parliament overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling for dialogue with extremist groups and an end to military action.
The new strategy, backed by all parties, emerged after a fierce debate in parliament where most parliamentarians said that Pakistan was paying an unacceptable price for fighting "America’s war". If implemented by the government, support for Pakistan from international allies would come under severe strain, adding further instability to a country facing a spiral of violence and economic collapse.
"We need to prioritise our own national security interests," said Raza Rabbani, a leading member of the ruling Pakistan People’s party. "As far as the US is concerned, the message that has gone with this resolution will definitely ring alarm bells, vis-a-vis their policy of bulldozing Pakistan."
The resolution, passed unanimously in parliament on Wednesday night demanded the abandonment of the use of force against extremists, in favour of negotiation, in what it called "an urgent review of our national security strategy".
We already know that occupation and suppression is not working.
Osama Bin Laden (yes, that guy) used to issue missives that pointed out what their beefs were, why they were provoking the USA and how things might be calmed down. I never read his missives as ultimatums, but rather as starting points for discussions.
Not acknowledging that there may, just possibly, be some issues is I think one of the reasons that it has been relatively easy to demonise Muslims and lead to a spreading of misinformation and a stirring up of hatred and blood lust, and a validation that America is in a "war" and must (of course, as always) win !
I am emphatically not suggesting that OBL’s arguments had deep merit, nor am I arguing for any form(s) of appeasement, but surely senior diplomats can sit down with leaders of these rebellious groups and discuss the issues (secretly, if need be). Too many people have suffered death and total disruption of their lives for reasons that have nothing to do with them to forego an opportunity to find out more, even if it leads nowhere.
The chant from the McCain / Palin team that Obama is an appeasing pussy because they claim he might talk with (for example) Iranian leaders "without pre-conditions" is, in my books, a glaringly clear example of the narrow, one-dimensional, unintelligent and overly simplistic stance that a bull-headed America represents.
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yep, eventually everybody is going to have to sit down “at the table” and talk. i’m not sure the presumed next commander in chief obama is that much better on Pokistahn and Offgahnistahn either, and least not from some of the remarks he’s made. he wants to add three brigades? there’s a moth in the neighbour’s yard, honey, fetch me my best shotgun.
‘change’ will have to mean more than putting on different underwear.
i wonder if the people making the watchlist use rss and an aggregator. you got juice.
anyway, we don’t need to worry, somehow mccain will ‘win’, have a heart attack and palin will be prez. the world waits and watches wondering how this might happen. i’m betting on some sort of voting irregularities fiasco.
if obama does become president i will be relieved and surprised. maybe obama will get greenspan’s endorsement next.
Now that you’re a bit older, I see that you’ve progressed (of course) to sit-down-at-the-keyboard comedy.
No doubt you’ve forecasted the likely arc of our medium-term future correctly.