
There’s too much to keep up with … and this is how it will forever be, in these new conditions.

I keep running across many new examples of how people are defining the sociology of the Web, often via, through and in blogs.

I was scrolling through the comments section of Atrios (I read lots of comments, in a a range of places on the Web) and I noticed that some people there are starting to adopt an interesting way of adding a bit of expression to their comments.

On Atrios most commenters are quite critical of the Republican camp (they would call them rethugs, or repugs .. you get the drift), and I noticed a commenter recounting an incident that she or he felt should be reported on by the media … CNN, in this case. The comment (I can’t remember the message, so I am making up a fictive, bland, pretend comment) took the following form:

Paula Zahn reporting –

< dream >‘This event is an example of how the Republicans are not playing straight with the American people, and are twisting the facts to create the perception that John Kerry is a liar and of bad character< /dream >

So, using nonexistent html tags to emphasize that this is NOT what Paula Zahn would ever dare to say.

Nifty – yet another example of how we are adapting to life on the Web.

I can’t imagine that traditional, secretive, obfuscating hierarchies trying to control information and knowledge to maintain a hold on power can survive the weight of millions of links and connections.

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