Non Illegitimi Carborundum II

The thing about this transparency thing, the fact that you can post “pamhlets” up on the Web and they stay there, and potentially hundred of thousands or millions of people can see it …

leads to ….

the increasing ability to “connect the dots” and expose fraud and crime:

From Matt Yglesias, by way of Seeing The Forest

This attitude is what I’m pointing at. The passive voice ‘are given sufficiently solid defeats…’ implies a certain reticence in realizing that WE are the ones who must administer the defeats.

Moreover, the question is not just of electoral defeats, but of punishment. If you accept that this is essentially a criminal gang running a fraudulent political apparatus based on increasing their amount of power and institutionalizing the placement of certain monied classes above the law, then electoral defeats don’t begin to address the political problem that we must deal with.

Well, they begin to, but only just.

My question is still as follows:

When Kerry takes office (let’s assume), what happens to the people who have run this government, and run it ignoring law and moral probity? Do they get off like the Iran-Contra people did? Do they get off like the Clinton haters did?

After all, these are the same people who from Watergate onward have sought to subvert US legality in pursuit of illiberal objectives. They have committed electoral fraud, financial fraud, intelligence fraud, and torture. This is not hyperbole, but reality.

So how do you deal with criminal actions at the highest levels of power?


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