Billmon’s Back ! … On Death Squads

Look at the last sentence of this extract from Billmon’s (The Whiskey Bar) return to blogging. The problem, as I see it, is that people who have been labelled insurgents and don’t go along with the U.S Administration’s invasion and occupation and who resist that because, after all, it IS their homeland.

To me this is a damningly clear statement that could be used in a prosecution for crimes against humanity. The Sunni population is supporting guerillas who are resisting an occupation of their land and trying to compekl the invaders to leave. The USA does not have the right, despite what they think, to dictate to the rest of the world how things are going to be, and should be reprimanded by the rest of the world for this blatantly cynical and criminal action against another nation and society.

The only rationale that made the rest of the world possibly wonder whether it might be, at the margin, appropriate for the US to enter Iraq as it did was the baldfaced lie that there was an imminent threat from WMDs. This bullshit has formally been acknowledged as bullshit earlier this week.

Now they want to “change the equation”, and make the resistance “cost” the Iraqi population by sending in death squads ?

I used to think six months ago that the whole situation had passed from the criminal to the absurd to the surreal. I’m afraid I have no words to describe the forward possibilities now other than US-sanctioned wholesale murder of another country’s people, in order to “change the equation”.

Fuckers. I hope “they” rot in hell, they now being all Americans who continue to support this Administration’s crimes against humanity.

Enough is bloody enough, already.

The Salvadoran Option“The Sunni population is paying no price for the support it is giving to the terrorists,” he said. “From their point of view, it is cost-free. We have to change that equation.”

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