Countdown to the 2009 Kitsilano Duel at the Pool


The big day is approaching !

The 2009 Duel at the Pool is scheduled for August 19, 2009 at Kitsilano Pool.

It’s a bitter rivalry, and this year promises fireworks ! 

I am determined to definitively kick Ean "The Eel" Jackson’s scrawny wee butt by lapping him over the course of the 5,500 metre swim, whilst he is ferociously declaring to all and sundry (at least those malingerers who will actually listen to him) that he has some sort of secret weapon that he will deploy.  I assume that it’s some sort of battery-powered electric motor that he will attempt to hide somewhere under his Speedo.

Based on last year’s experience, what I do know is that I will be pretty much totally kablooey three or four hours after swimming for approximately 90 minutes at a 1min 30 sec pace / 100 metres, which is reasonably fast for a geezer like me.

For what it’s worth I will post the results here the day after the Duel.

It may be that the Duel gets pushed forward several days to give Ean the benefit  of a couple of days of last minute, last-ditch training effort. His choice …  if so, I’ll post the new date here.

Please wish me luck.


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Thanks, Bruce.

Always great to have a fan cheering you on, though I know and appreciate that you like Ean a lot, too !

Ean Jackson

A duel is a duel. I’ll be there on the specified date at the specified time with my water wings and shark cap. (BTW, you still owe me $10 for the swim cap with the fin on top.)

No secret weapon for this duelist. I’ll be wearing my baggy, knee-length Hawaiian shorts, the same goggles, and my swim cap with the little fin on top. May bring a peanut-butter sandwich to snack on at about, oh, 3.5K. ‘Been in the pool a couple of times in the past 6 weeks. Should be able to swim 5,000 meters. What’s the big deal?

I fully expect you to take off like a bullet… then flame-out somewhere around 3K. This time, promise me you won’t drag your whale-shark carcass out of the pool for a snooze. And let me remind you that when I kicked your sorry ass in the 2006 duel, I was gracious enough to buy you beers. Think about it if all of this training of yours pays off.

Oh, should I run over from the North Shore and plan to run back afterwards?


I will pay you your $10 plus interest (plus the other $45 I owe you).

If you want, I’ll bring several other bathing suits so you don’t have THAT excuse.

I will buy you beers whether I win or you lose 😉

You can run over if you want to … it might help you warm / loosen up.


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