Long time, no blog.
Amongst other things, I am sporadically busy working at changing my web presence .. something I’ve intended to do for at least two years now.
Engaging in a re-think of a web site might often be called a “re-tooling”, but given that it’s the Web and I still believe it has brought us profound changes and will bring us more, I think it’s probably more appropriate to call what I am doing a “re-weaving”.
Re-tooling has some accuracy to it, but it’s one-dimensional and so industrial-era besides.
Indeed, “long time, no blog”, and a pleasant surprise to see you back.
Web presence is a subtle and ever-shifting thing. I certainly don’t pretend, even for a moment, to be in any way able to advise on it. Yet it does need doing from time to time.
So remember the basics:
• Why did people come here? Serve those needs.
• What were they looking for? That should be front and centre.
• How do they describe it? Use their words, not yours.
• When should they act? Make for immediacy.
• Tell them who you are, as a person.
• Tell them why Wirearchy matters to you.
All else is commentary.
Would that I could be so disciplined …