Thanks to the Firedoglake blog for pointing to these two videos …
Old AIG Commercial … “Butterflies”
New AIG Commercial (Parody) … “March Madness”
UPDATE .. Some additional context and conclusions … William Greider interview by Bill Moyers on PBS
WILLIAM GREIDER: President Obama and if the Democratic leaders in Congress follow along, buy he’ll put the Democratic Party on the wrong side of history. At this critical moment.
What we ought to be seeking, illness the goal of reform, viagra 60mg and government aid, is creating a new financial and banking system, of many more, thousands more, smaller, more diverse, regionally dispersed banks and investment firms. That’s first obligation is to serve the economy and serve society. Not the other way around. What the administration’s approach may be doing is consecrating too big to fail, for starters. Which, of course, everybody in government denied was the policy until the moment arrived. And secondly, and this will sound extreme to some people, but I came to it reluctantly. I fear what they’re doing, not intentionally, but in their design is setting the crown for a corporate state.
BILL MOYERS: A corporate state?
WILLIAM GREIDER: A corporate state. And by that I mean a rather small but very powerful circle of financial institutions the old Wall Street banks, famous names. But also some industrial corporations that bought banks. Or General Electric, which is already half of big financial capital, GE Capital. And that circle will be our new Wall Street club. Too big to fail. Yes, watched closely by the Federal Reserve and others in government, but also protected by them. And that’s a really insidious departure.
To admit that and put it into law. And then think of all those thousands of smaller banks. How are they going to perform against these behemoths that have an inside track to the government spigot? And for just ordinary enterprise in general? Before you even get to the citizens. How are citizens supposed to feel about that?
And I– my point is, in this situation, with if the leading banks and corporations are sort of at the trough, ahead of everybody else in Washington, they will have the means to monopolize democracy. And I mean that literally. Some of my friends would say, hey, that already happened.
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