Ban the Bailout

More and more people are figuring out that the current suggested bailout may not look so good.  But of course everyone’s scared and uncertain of what might happen, so what a great time to pass an unreviewable law that essentially transfers a whole whack of money from taxpayers to the private sector.

Granting telecomms immunity wasn’t enough; letting Cheney state that the office of the Vice-president is not part of the executive branch wasn’t enough; trying to privatize Social Security wasn’t enough; getting rid of habeas corpus wasn’t enough .. these bastards are taking as much of your money as they can while you still refuse to do anything about their criminality.

It’s being done directly under the noses of the American public, in broad daylight, with people in megaphones announcing it.

Via Atrios:


Great Moments In Legislative Proposals

This is my favorite bit. Well, aside from the whole SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS part.

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

Deep Thought

Any member of Congress who looks at the plan to give Hank unchecked power to transfer $700 billion from the Treasury to his friends’ companies and has any reaction other than "You’ve got to be fucking kidding me" does not deserve to hold office.

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One Comment

rosemarie jackowski

Arrest the “Speculators” for endangering life. ( During The Congressional Oil Hearing, testimony was given saying that people in New England would freeze to death this winter.)

Put a 100% tax on all income that is 6 times higher than the minimum wage.

Save lives and money by having a Single Payer Health care system.

Ban the Bailout. If Wall Street fails – we can have a new start, and hopefully do things better.

Never vote for an incumbent.

Indict war criminals.



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