Top-Down, Bottom-Up, Out and In, Round and Round … Socialize Your Networks ?

In an email to a Yahoo group to which I used to belong alerting us to her new column in Business Week, Shoshana Zuboff, a Harvard Business School professor, suggests we may be (are) moving into an era of mass peer-to-peer exchange and influence.

Quel surprise !

I’m not sure Obama will take us there, but it is yet another early not-so-weak signal of much turbulence yet to come.

And I think her term "bottom-out" is too cute by half.


Obama’s New Peer Populism
The senator’s Internet strategy has tapped the citizenry’s desire to help create new prospects for economic opportunity and social mobility

Obama stands at a new political frontier defined by the convergence of an old and a new populism. The old populism is bottom-up and top-down.

The new American populism is peer oriented: bottom-out, not bottom up. The new populism is animated by people who seek to take control of their lives, connect directly with resources and others, and create new solutions that bypass old institutional structures.

Obama has defined his candidacy as a conduit for the new populism. Success now depends upon meeting the legitimate needs of both old and new.

My conclusion? In the weeks ahead, Senator Obama needs to offer Americans a New Deal, but tell how we can make it happen in a New Way.

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