From the Peanut Gallery at Atrios’ Blog

It’s the morning after the morning after.

One of the most interesting comments I’ve noticed was one commenters’ sense that many Republicans, or people who voted for Bush are feeling a bit sheepish, a bit embarassed. There’s so much speculation, from so many angles, about the agenda that’s about to be unleahed on the USA, and of course the world …

… more corporate cronyism, more regressive tactics to curtail rights, overturning Roe v. Wade, bombs and guns, on and on …

Here’s another commenter’s forlorn take on things. It’s useful to remember Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Dealing with Death …. Anger, then Denial, then Bargaining, then Depression and finally Acceptance. It’s only after that that the work can start … and hoo, boy, is there ever a lot of work in front of us.

The one thing that really bothered me last night was watching that popular vote keep escalating. Friends kept consoling me that it was ONLY 3,000,000 votes difference and all I could see was enough votes to give Bush and the Fundies confidence enough to call for a Constitutional Convention and turning Falwell, Robertson, Reed, Swaggart and Ashcroft loose on us.

I have two daughters, 15 and 17 and beyond their right to personal freedom and choice, I fear that they may find themselves in a war zone soon. I take some comfort in the total number of states won by Kerry, but am aware that Rove is architecting more than just an election victory. I watched as the Republicans literally moved fundamentalists from across the country into my county in Kansas and engineered a take-over of the State School Board.

I now believe that was part of the grand experiment to relocate their true believers strategically for grander purposes than just a couple of elections.

Organize, with a focus on the ideas and messages.

Indoctrinate. Not just like the Republicans, but like liberals. I can’t tell you how many meetings those people attended at the Assembly of God church. It wasn’t until much later I found out that the meetings were a mixture of politics and religion and taught everyone to say the same thing and stay on message. Commonality and conformity become powerful tools used in the manner of Rove and company.

It’s not going to be easy, but nothing worth having ever is. My freedom is worth my life and as long as I am abiding by the law, everyone’s right to infringe on that freedom ends at my driveway.

Until this morning, I was a Republican. Now I am an insurgent and will stay in this party and fight to return us to traditional Republican values. I want to control that massive communications machinery put in place to execute “The Southern Strategy” all those years ago. To see it in the hands of an American Taliban is the one and only thing I truly fear.

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