… said President Chimpy McSmirkputz, in response to a question at last night’s debate about cheaper medications available over the Internet from Canada.
He must still be mad at us for not joining his freedom-lovers coalition of invading crusaders … and There ARE rumours he has an anger management problem (seems every time Kerry mentions Poppy, Georgie gets kinda upset-like … is there something there, a raw nerve, maybe ?)
It’s my understanding that Canada has some of the most advanced pharmaceutical research facilities and companies in the world … this terrestrial world, that is … and we do also have something called Health Canada, which evidently has some of the most advanced, and stringent, drug licencing protocols anywhere (again) on this planet.
I guess he’s one of those Yanks that thinks they’ll still find igloos just a couple of kilometres up the road from the border, in which we all still sit around and chew on whale blubber … makes sense … he doesn’t read papers or books, and in the debate he called our new-ish means of communicating … “internets”, and stuff. I guess we’re such an undeveloped nation that we’re importing drugs from somewhere like Ghana or Uzbekistan, where he thinks they cook the drugs up in iron pots over open fires. Or maybe it’s Mexico he had in mind, where lots of American companies (supposedly) go for cheap labour and lax legislation.
So … we Canadians might be providing unsafe drugs to Americans in massive numbers ? That’s probably more dangerous to Americans than non-existent Weapons of Mass Deception. But remember, Saddam might have reconstituted a weapons program, and might have posed some form of vague threat at some possible point in the future.
Fellow Canadians … let’s all start getting ready for the possibility that Cheney-Bush-Rove-Wolfowitz-Rumsfeld might decide to invade us, on the pretense that we pose a clear and present danger to America, so that they can lay their hands on our Alberta Oil Sands, our clean water and our Clear Skies.
Fuck ’em. What a bunch of morons. I used to like lots of Americans, but those dumb asshats can’t even figure out that this guy poses them much more danger than any other single individual on the planet … except maybe his boss Dick Cheney. And they keep on trying to make excuses for keeping him in office, even after he stole the election 4 years ago. What a bunch of idiotic masochists … it’s unfortunate for all of the rest of us that they insist on foisting their psychoses on the rest of the people on the planet.
What a dork he is … really.
It is not the Americans’ planet, dammit. Let’s all develop an infrared metal melter that can be deployed by planes fllying over the USA that renders all guns and bombs completely useless, and then convince the Japanese and Chinese stop honouring the Americans’ need for financing … once the overdraft hits it’s limit, the economy will be brought to its knees very very quickly, and then … let them see what it’s like to live without credit … without TV’s, SUV’s and air conditioning.
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