From an article titled “Whiner-in-Chief” at The Nation … via Dave Winer’s blog (appropriate ? … you decide)
It appears that George W. Bush is tired of being president.
His weariness and frustration with the job was evident throughout last night’s first presidential debate of the 2004 campaign. Whenever the discussion turned to questions about his management of the occupation of Iraq, Bush said, “It’s hard work.” Why didn’t he anticipate the disaster? “It’s hard work.” Considering the mounting death toll, was the Iraq invasion worth it? “It’s hard work.”
By the end of the night, the sullen president had repeated the “hard work” line at least nine times, using it as frequently as he did those stock talking points about “progress” in Iraq and Democrat John Kerry’s “mixed messages.” And, in contrast to his rote recitation of the talking points, Bush’s grumbling about how difficult it is to do his job did not seem at all insincere. At least on this point, Bush was speaking the truth. For George W. Bush, serving as president at this time in history is very hard work.
What was striking last night was the marked distinction between the world-weary performance of the president and the engaged presence of John Kerry
The rest of the article is here.
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