… with deference to John Lennon, of course
$200 billion and counting, 10,000 Iraqis and almost 1,000 soldiers killed, a country’s infrastructure and psyche FUBAR … lots of curtailment of peoples’ rights, thinking, and so on, and it’s clear that the current power structure in Washington knows how to use sophisticated propaganda techniques … all under a command-and-control philosophy and structure.
The ultimate experiment in hierarchy in human history, perhaps ?
Imagine what could have been done with $200-plus billion, and the hearts and minds of a large majority of the country, particularly if the leaders were ‘strict, authoritarian parents’ BUT the agenda consisted of :
– development of alternative energy technology, sources and use,
– reduced consumption and increased conservation
– increased health care
– increased literacy and a real focus on better education
– increased multilateralism and non-military support for progressive regimes
I wonder what could have been accomplished in just three and one-half years ?
I’ll bet that a great deal could be accomplished, and I think you would find many, many people hunger for this kind of agenda. I believe that the rightest of the right-wing are scared beyond belief (so to speak) by the complexities, ambiguities and difficult challenges of living and working effectively in the early days of the 21st Century … by the need to examine the ineffectiveness of the out-dated mindsets and dynamics of an age gone by.
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