… is a phrase I have used in a pejorative sense more often than not for the past several years, as I believe that we collectively are moving into a future that will require significant learning, open-mindedness, flexibility and adaptability … and I believe that many many people use the “back to basics” mantra as a means to distract or escape from increased complexity.
I think it’s too late now to pretend that we are NOT in a new set of conditions. Interlinked interconnectedness, and increasingly simple AND sophiusticated tools are making it possible to challenge authority, to shine lights on events and facts, and to demand some form odf accountability.
The events of the past three years, and the astonishing and blatant propagandizing of the Bush administration, both in the election campaign and with respect to the progress (or lack thereof) of the “war” in Iraq, make it clear that many many people can find and distribute and use information. It has also been proven that faith in, and desire for, an authoritative (or authoritarian) hierarchy is a significant issue.
This blog was orgiginally intended to explore the effects of interconnectedness on the ways people work, learn and relate in these new sets of conditions, the likes of which homo sapiens have never befor encountered. Over the past two years, I grew increasingly distracted from that focus by my outrage and disbelief regarding the manipulation of North America and the world by a group of old, out-of-touch but rich and powerful white men in Washington, D.C. They have at least partially succeeded in moving the bulk of the US back into the 1960’s, and look to be preparing to create more regressive laws and policy initiatives. And they are causing enormous distress in other parts of the world.
Be that as it may – now, the election is over, and I want to return to thinking out loud about how links and minds and hearts may make new forms and new possibilities out of the challenges that lay before us.
So, i intend to get back into writing about “wirearchy” as I understand it, and searching out and examining examples of how power structures are being changed by the interconnected conditions in which we are all living. Any of you who care to join in, or offer me examples, or help me articulate principle and effective practices, are welcome here.
So is anyone else, even if I don’t agree with you. I will, however, delete all comment spam, and block anyone who is overtly ignorant or disrespectful to others.
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