On Work, Careers and Zombiehood

Having discovered a new (to me) blog – George Monbiot – I’m just nosing about.

1. I wish I had read this 25 years ago

2. I’m glad I “came back to life” before it was too late, even if means quitting work I knew how to do well, and living more simply than I might otherwise.

George Monbiot on careers … “Choose Life !”

So my final piece of advice is this: when faced with the choice between engaging with reality or engaging with what Erich Fromm calls the “necrophiliac” world of wealth and power, choose life, whatever the apparent costs may be. Your peers might at first look down on you: poor Nina, she’s twenty-six and she still doesn’t own a car.

But those who have put wealth and power above life are living in the world of death, in which the living put their tombstones – their framed certificates signifying acceptance to that world – upon their walls. Remember that even the editor of the Times, for all his income and prestige, is still a functionary, who must still take orders from his boss. He has less freedom than we do, and being the editor of the Times is as good as it gets.

You know you have only one life. You know it is a precious, extraordinary, unrepeatable thing: the product of billions of years of serendipity and evolution. So why waste it by handing it over to the living dead?

For deep and extraordinarily comprehensive synthesis on zombiehood – living deadness – and how it enures to the benefit of those who have put wealth and power above all in these current times, see Inspector Lohmann’s serial essays I think of as The Zombie Files. I’ve linked only to the first installment – the second is up on his site as well, and I’m betting release 3.0 is coming soon.

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