She Said “You Can’t Blink, Charlie”

When I read the blog post excerpted below, my first thought was "No way".

Via Firedoglake …


Palin on SNL Tonight ?

Since she didn’t do so well in interviews, the McCain campaign is attempting a new tactic with Sarah Palin in the hope that she’s cool to some demographic someplace. Word is Palin will try to prove she can actually be funny–or at least a good sport–on tonight’s Saturday Night Live, possibly playing opposite doppleganger Tina Fey.

[ Snip … ]

So to insure the VP candidate’s protection from polysyllables and pointed humor, on Wednesday security for Gov. Palin conducted a walk-through of the Rockefeller Center studio in anticipation of the possible appearance.


If indeed the security team did a walk-through, that would seem to jive with the official "possibility".  A later update to the blog post I am citing notes that the McCain – Palin campaign states that the Guv’ will not be appearing on SNL (Saturday Night Live).

One of the phrases Sarah is famous for uttering is "You can’t blink, Charlie" in her interview with Charlie Gibson, when she was referring either to getting a clear view of Russia from her porch, preparing to shoot a wolf from a low-flying helicopter, or staring down one of her children when they are playing "Interrogate a Terrorist" just before bedtime.

One of the comments to the Firedoglake blog post … you’ve got to love it.


SNL called Palin and she blinked?

snl called palin and she blinked?

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