Franz Kafka Visits Canada …


… 85 years after his death.

Some people just make me so angry.  I do not agree philosophically with wishing people ill, but I’m willing to make an exception for the Conservative Party politicians in Canada (namely PM Stephen Harper and Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon) who are refusing to take immediate action in this travesty.

How can they possibly sleep at night ?


PM failing Abdelrazik, opposition parties charge

[ Snip … ]

Prime Minister Stephen Harper publicly apologized to Mr. Arar and approved a $10-million payout for the role Canadian security agencies played in his years of imprisonment and torture.

Mr. Abdelrazik, who has been cleared in writing of any terrorist or criminal activity by both the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service and the RCMP, remains stranded in Khartoum because the Harper government refuses to issue him either a passport or an emergency travel document.

Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon says Mr. Abdelrazik must get himself removed from the UN terrorist blacklist first – a seemingly impossible condition given the government failed to have him delisted when it applied more than a year ago – before he can return home.

In a conference call from The Hague, Mr. Cannon repeatedly refused yesterday to explain why the government will not allow Mr. Abdelrazik to return to Canada. At first, he parried questions, saying he would speak only about the Afghanistan conference, then said his parliamentary secretary, Deepak Obhrai, has answered those questions – Mr. Obhrai has not – and then said the matter is before the courts.

"It’s a matter that is the subject of judicial review, so I don’t have any other comments to make on it," he said.


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