Dion Hinchcliffe, a well-known and well-informed thinker and practitioner in the Enterprise 2.0 field, has just published a ZDNet article that I think may herald the advent of a much wider awareness of how much living and working in a “wired world” will impact the way(s) things are done.
Not that this will surprise many (or any) of those who have been paying attention to the ongoing spread and penetration of all these linky kinds of things 😉
But my oh my how the changes to leadership and management styles, organisation structure and organisation culture will be wrenching.
The emerging case for open business methods
Dion Hinchcliffe: Whether your open business strategy is some internal Enterprise 2.0, crowdsourcing your next product design, or using customer communities to provide customer self-service, the business world of the next decade will look quite different from today and require different values and management styles to match.
[ Snip … ]
Related trends such as open data and the Web 2.0 model of open content reflect the now widespread activity of open information sharing and exchange using primarily a commons-based approach, enabled greatly by pervasive world-wide networks such as the Internet.
Given the current size of the Internet, about 1.2 billion people, tapping into and unleashing the enormous productive capacity and latent knowledge at the edge of the network has become one of the most powerful and underutilized economic resources available to businesses today.
Tags: hierarchy, wirearchy, let’s call the whole thing off
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