CNN Using Twitter and Facebook During Prime-Time News

I’ve just been watching an interesting new component of CNN prime-time news, wherein Rick Sanchez, one of the current anchors, flashes cherry-picked items from Twitter (Rick’s Twitter Feedback) and from Facebook (Rick’s Facebook Feedback) in order to counter or reinforce the story he has just introduced.

I’m (still) all for Web 2.0 and listening to the voices of the great unwashed, but there are key aspects of using this approach that leave me skeptical or cold.  He and his colleagues get to pick which items they want to use add emphasis or colour an issue.

Nevertheless, I applaud CNN for actually paying attention to what is happening on the Web.

Mashable has more.

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Amy in Alaska

I keep hearing that “Sarah Palin” has 80 percent popularity, How can this be true… nobody asked me, and I know several other Alaskan’s who are not happy with her. I feel that she should not say that she made a better system for getting to the airport (Our Ketchikan Bridge to Nowhere would actually be a bridge to our airport) She says that she improved the ferry system for getting there, is it considered an improvement to add cost to the consumer? I don’t see any other improvement to the ferry, it runs as it always did since we put it in, before she was governor.
She promised us that she knew how important our State Ferry is to us, yet she cut service drastically, 50 % less to some areas (like to Washington state where we got most of our out of state passengers) One community no longer gets ferry service, which makes the businesses in that town not make enough money to pay all their bills now.

Amy in Alaska

Sarah Palin claims to care about our military, yet she has cut ferry routes that they used helped Our military family’s to move up from the lower 48. Families moving to the Air Force or Army have less ferry service to get from their previous assignment to their current one.

I hear that we will be getting more service back next summer. Since many of Alaska’s communities are on islands, or landlocked by roads not being able to be run through mountains, Our state ferry is part of our ROAD SYSTEM. How many roads pay for themselves? Our ferry comes closer to that than any other road. Our ferry gives service to some communities only once a week.

May Speckling

I am a Canadian. I have been watching CNN news every day. I am very disturbed by Sarah Palin’s speech. I think she is an extreme irresponsible person because she has no idea about what the vice president of US is. She insults Obama without using her brain. Yet, McCain is not the only hero of United States. There are so many people sacrificed their life for their country! “Hero” is not the qualification of being the President of United States.
All she can do is yapping. If she becomes vice president, the world will be destroyed. I don’t think she has a brain. Maybe her brain is controlled by a demon.
The world doesn’t need lipsticks, and the world doesn’t need Hockey mum because it is too expensive. The world needs a clean, fresh, peace environment to live. Every single one of us has the responsibility to take care of our planet. The money means nothing if there is no one produces food and no place to grow food. Wake up everybody! Do not let the evil spirit control your mind. Vote with your heart and your brain and fights with demon!

May God blesses all of you!


I have also been watchin the Alaska GOv Sarah Palin’s speech. I don’t agree with her on many points such as what she said about Obama:
“This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting and never use the word ‘victory’ except when he’s talking about his own campaign”
Such an irresnoble speech shouldn’t come from a pürson in her position. She has introduced herself as a person who encourages wars in the world.


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