Do Mobsters Control The Planet ?

A paragraph picked out of one of Joe Bageant’s responses to a reader …


US compared to Soviet Union collapse

[ Snip … ]

Whatever the case, I was telling my wife that all the bluster, patriotism and shallow, monotonic news coverage covers up one simple driver of most so-called "political events" — wealth and the pursuit of money by larger forces than us. It’s taken years and years, but I’ve come to the point where I can sniff out at least some economic motivation behind the media and political curtain that keeps the U.S. public in the dark as its pockets are picked one last time (or maybe a couple more) before the inevitable happens. You don’t have to be a conspiracy freak catch the scent of money in just about any corner of politics, which is in reality just the armed extension of business the world round.

As a philosopher once told me: "The countries on the globe are not marked out in different colors because the soil is different in those places. It’s marked off in colors because different mobsters control different areas of turf on the planet."


UPDATE: Via Nouriel Roubini’s RGE Monitor

Governments exist ostensibly to look out for the common interest, but in a corporate predator state, as Thomas Palley describes America, democracy deteriorates into rule by the highest bidders such as Big Oil and Big Banks. Palley laments, "Money gives the power to buy the political process, and that power is defended by a gospel of free speech that takes no account of the fact that out-shouting someone is qualitatively equivalent to silencing them."

See Palley’s “Social Origins of the American Corporate Predator State” for how corporate interests took the helm of economic policy away from the public interest.

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Mobsters Cheats

The so called “pursuit of happiness” is the same reason why these Mobsters will always have clients to work with. Everyone is out there trying to make a quick buck, it will probably never change.


No doubt you are correct in your assessment.

I remain surprised that so many people let so few control us all, more or less.


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