Neither Good Nor Bad … Just How It (Probably) Will Be

I notice that Hugh Macleod has linked to an old post I wrote about the looming battle for your attention in your living room being waged by the digital entertainment giants Microsoft, order Apple and Sony.

As a strategy consultant, order about 2 1/2 years ago I researched and wrote a report on digital culture and networked markets for the Canadian government, followed by an update a year or so later (co-written with Michel Dumais).

The blog post Hugh links to is from research that formed the core of that update, wherein Michel and I discussed the early strategic moves with regard to the XBox 360, Windows Media Centre, Apple TV, the Mac Mini and so on.

I am posting this to note that just for the record I am not saying these ongoing developments are a good thing or a bad thing, they just are.

I think it is a foregone conclusion that our lives will be surrounded by thin screens and flickering moving sliding images, and that increasingly, whether we like it or not, we will almost always be "on" unless we consciously choose to be offline … and I think that eventually it will take considerable discipline to exercise that choice.

It will be good, for example, to be able to almost completely avoid the mainstream television networks.

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