The Australian Financial Review Interview on Wirearchy

It’s been a busy month, and the notion of wirearchy seems to be acquiring a bit of currency.

I was interviewed about a month ago by Beverley Head for the possibility of an article in BOSS magazine, the Australian Financial Review’s magazine on leadership issues.  That interview was published and is now online.

UPDATE: I’ve switched the main link to the article, in the article title directly below, to CIO Magazine of New zealand (must be a sister publication of BOSS) because it’s easier on the eyes than the AFR BOSS site.  I care about my readers, of course 😉


Go With The Flow

The wired world is challenging the principles that have underpinned management for more than a century.  Welcome to the web that is the wirearchy.

If knowledge is power then in today’s wired world it’s on the march, filtering down from the top and out across networks. Welcome to the world of wirearchy, where the power is the network.

Jon Husband, a techno-anthropologist and strategy and organisational change consultant based in Vancouver, coined the term wirearchy in 1999 It’s hitting its straps now thanks to the internet’s speed and pervasiveness, the rise of the digital native who is already wiki, blog and social network savvy, and a growing corporate enthusiasm for seeking out the the wisdom of crowds and leveraging collaboration.

Husband believes that the internet and web services are fundamentally changing the nature of work, and that the transition to a full blown knowledge age is well under way. What will drive it further is the emergence of wirearchies through which information is circulated, refined and exploited more widely than traditional hierarchies permit.


Read the rest of the AFR BOSS article here.

A couple of notes – I have always chuckled at the continuing use of the term "boss" for managers and leaders in hierarchical organizations.  I typically associate the term "Boss" with the supervisor of chain gangs, and I know from real-world experience that the inmates of prisons have one word for prison guards … Boss.   No, I wasn’t in prison per se, but I spent nine months as a prison guard 31 years ago 😉

Re: organizations and the wisdom of crowds … here’s a blog post titled The Wisdom of the Organizational Crowd that I developed about a year ago.


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