A Clear Example of “True Talk”

This brief post by Tom Guariello of the Truetalk blog presents one of the clearest cases I’ve yet seen as to why corporations could and should use blogs, questions and real human voices to relate to their increasingly connected, hip to what’s happening and cynical customers.

Thanks for this shot of clarity, Tom !

Well, since you asked…

Kudos to Macromedia and to, ahem, Microsoft (via Scoble, of course!) for directly soliciting customer comments via corporate-sponsored blogs.

Macromedia got right to the point: “what’s most obnoxious about Macromedia right now?” and got plenty to work with.

Scoble followed with the slightly more gentile: “what would you like to see Microsoft do differently this year?”

There will come a time, soon, when this kind of behavior will not warant congratulations, but we’ve not yet come to that time.

Having guts shows.

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