This from a commenter over at Atrios, noting that the most recent Republican strategy is to pplay the victim, the underdog, and to pretend, over and over again that being against anything they say or do is being against Truth, Freedom, Motherhood, Apple Pie and the American Way.
Pernicious, and unfortunately much too effective.
As bad as NPR, PBS NewsHour tonight: Clarence Page (I think that’s the right name) in his commentary over the “Mission Accomplished” piece repeated the idiotic and easily disproven SCLM meme that “Bush never actually said ‘Mission Accomplished'”.
Contrast this utter contempt for facts or research with the story told by Scott Taylor that the mujahedeen who captured him in Iraq asked for proof he was a Canadian journalist, then went off to google him for verification. This in the middle of a war zone during a firefight!!
Christ. I just have to shut the fucking TV off now because I can’t listen to the swirling cesspool of liars any more
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