One blog post, by Dan Gillmor, and one comment, by one of his readers. It’s all there.
From Gillmor’s blog:
Frank Rich (NY Times): This Time Bill O’Reilly Got It Right. No matter how long the overlap between Mr. Carville and Mr. Begala’s TV and campaign roles, that brand and CNN itself are now as inextricably bound to the Democrats as Fox is to the Republicans.
The network has succeeded in an impossible feat — ceding Mr. O’Reilly the moral high ground. The Bush campaign doesn’t have to enlist Fox hosts for its staff since they’re willing to whore for it without even being asked.
So, the next time the Merc runs an op-ed piece from Alexander Cockburn, it magically turns into “socialist fishwrap”?
The problem with Faux News isn’t that it has openly-partisan talk show hosts. It’s that management has blurred (some would say “erased”) the line between “news” and “commentary”.
Frankly, Faux isn’t even CNN’s real competition anymore: that role belongs to Google News, which provides the same up-to-the-minute information, with an even wider range of perspectives. Anyplace you have access to a computer.
If it remains in its current form, CNN is probably doomed to becoming a sort of “Newzak” for use in airport waiting rooms and similar PC-less venues.
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