Will Manhattan Be A Watershed Moment In History ?

It seem clear that there are (at least) two major worldviews, and systems of belief in increasing dissonance and thus conflict, both here in North America, and in the world.

Seems fitting today to revisit these lyrics. They’re in the public domain since a longtime, and provide us with a frame for the struggle that struggle that keeps become more visible and vocal.

Beyond the obviously confrontational interpretation that can be put upon the poet’s words, there are interesting refernces to many of the systemic issues we see all around us today.

I’m regularly struck, awed … by the scale and complexity of the systems that govern us, such as language, money, beliefs expooused by one religion or another. Cohen is. for me, and endlessly interesting lens.

First We Take Manhattan

They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom

For trying to change the system from within

I’m coming now, I’m coming to reward them

First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I’m guided by a signal in the heavens

I’m guided by this birthmark on my skin

I’m guided by the beauty of our weapons

First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I’d really like to live beside you, baby

I love your body and your spirit and your clothes

But you see that line there moving through the station?

I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those

Ah you loved me as a loser, but now you’re worried that I just might win

You know the way to stop me, but you don’t have the discipline

How many nights I prayed for this, to let my work begin

First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I don’t like your fashion business mister

And I don’t like these drugs that keep you thin

I don’t like what happened to my sister

First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I’d really like to live beside you, baby …

And I thank you for those items that you sent me

The monkey and the plywood violin

I practiced every night, now I’m ready

First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I am guided …

Ah remember me, I used to live for music

Remember me, I brought your groceries in

Well it’s Father’s Day and everybody’s wounded

First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

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