Comments from “Al” on billmon’s Whiskey Bar
Makes you think, huh ?
“Being a native Latin American, I know a coup when I see one. And let me tell you, the US has been victim of a coup.
You have a dictatorship installed now, complete with its terrorist dirty war, systematic torture, and prisoners held outside the judicial system, alongside with the usual parasitic corporate and religious cronies.
The only unusual thing about this coup for me is that in the old country the military would show up at the presidential palace one day before dawn, and by breakfast time, when people would be turning on the radio and opening up their newspapers, they would learn that they had a new government.
It’s quite fascinating to see how a democracy can metamorphose into a dictatorship, without any of the outward signs of a coup. Ashcroft’s testimony is just the monster shedding its old dead skin. I can just see the Argentine generals musing “so, it can be done this way, too. And most people wouldn’t notice…”
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