… title copied from a section of Nova Spivack’s long essay setting out his take on the impacts on how interconnectd minds, language, metalanguage and increasingly sophisticated technology, such as Knowledge Objects will impact our learning, our work and a knowledge economy.
Here’s a brief excerpt that fits with the wirearchy lens I use.
I believe that the Internet (the hardware) is already evolving into a distributed global brain, and its ongoing activity (the software, humans and data) represents the cognitive process of an increasingly intelligent global mind. This global mind is not centrally organized or controlled, rather it is a bottom-up, emergent, self-organizing phenomenon formed from flows of trillions of information-processing events comprised of billions of independent information processors.
As with other types of emergent computing systems, for example John Conway’s familiar cellular automaton “The Game of Life,” on the Internet large scale homeostatic systems and seemingly intentional or guided information processes naturally emerge and interact within it. The emergence of sophisticated information systems does not require top-down design or control, it can happen in an evolutionary bottom-up manner as well.
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