A clear-eyed and heartfelt cry for sanity, from “remembering giap” in comments at the Whiskey Bar
“So steel your gaze and cast a cold eye on these motherfuckers.”
there is a concious, deliberate dismantling of your judicial apparatus – that is not a thought – it is a reality.
this dismantling is done by men & women who know what damage they are doing too your constitution. they know they are in the vangaurd now to their world. they have taken the breath of a margaret thatcher & turned it into words, into laws
these are laws which affect your day to day living & they are laws which will determine your future
i do not want to comment on this or that functionary – as i have said they are no different in any sense or detail from the nazi lawyers who willingly & with invention accelerated all that is terrible in a law which priveleges property over people
these people hurt other people. they destroy countries. that is not an abstraction. the hurt they do is all encompassing & they know it is
elites protect themselves by any means necessary
& we are witnessing that
& all done to the laughing cacaphony of several generation of journhalist who do not deserve to be called that
they are as malcom x sd ‘house niggers”
it is they who create the pessimism – they drown the natural beautiful & terrifying sagacity of people with their shit
& what shit. they lie & entertain with their lying. they are pornographers. they hurt knowingly. they are not innocent
i live so far from you – but your history is also mine – & i feel a titanic rage – because i never beleived capitalism would go this far & it is very far indeed. one by one they are scary but cummulatively what has been done since the supreme court decision in 2000 is the complete dismantlement of a jurisprudence that sometimes by accident or history was capable of also serving the people
still steel
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